Strategies for harmonizing the University and Madrassah Curriculum at Graduate Level


  • Dr. Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari NUML
  • Dr. Qibla Ayaaz Chairman Islamic Ideology Council


Universities in Pakistan, Madaris, Curriculum, Teaching Methodology, Research Approach, BS Level


Religious education is being provided in Pakistan either in Universities or in Madrassah. There lies a huge difference in curriculum of the two education systems. The study analyzes the difference in curriculum of the two educational systems and provides strategies in harmonizing the two curriculums for better Islamic education. The methodology of the study is quantitative in which panel discussions were conducted in seven cities of Pakistan. From each city scholars were invited from one University and one Madrassah. Scholars were asked open-ended questions. It was concluded that to harmonize two education systems, single/shared curriculum must be devised in which best essays/subjects from each curriculum must be extracted. As a result, the students from both the institutes will have same status after graduation.





How to Cite

Ghaffar Bukhari, Dr. Syed Abdul, and Dr. Qibla Ayaaz. 2023. “Strategies for Harmonizing the University and Madrassah Curriculum at Graduate Level”. AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 3 (04):18-26.



English Articles