The Concept of Shirk


  • Dr. Abu Bakar Arabic Deptt, NUML, Islamabad.
  • Dr. Bilal English Deptt, NUML, Islamabad


Shirk, Kufr, Introduction, Tawhid, Kinds


The most fundamental article of faith in Islam is belief in strict Tawhid. The opposite of tawhid is known as shirk or associating partners with Allah Almighty. Shirk is the one unforgivable sin in Islam. The central doctrine of Islam is tawhid (divine unity) which came to mean that God does not need nor have partners to assist Him.

The texts of the Quran and Sunnah indicate that shirk and the ascribing of rivals to Allah sometimes puts a person beyond the pale of Islam and sometimes does not. 

In this article we talked about the Shirk, its kinds and differentiate between Shirk and Tawhid. This research is divided into two main topic:

  1. Introduction to Shirk
  2. The Inter-Related Concept of Kufr and Shirk

Author Biographies

Dr. Abu Bakar, Arabic Deptt, NUML, Islamabad.

Assistant Professor, Arabic Deptt, NUML, Islamabad.

Dr. Bilal, English Deptt, NUML, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, English Deptt, NUML, Islamabad




How to Cite

Dr. Abu Bakar, and Dr. Bilal. 2021. “The Concept of Shirk”. AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 1 (1):01-10.