A research review and contemporary significance of the biographies related to Afiq in Tafsir Fahm Al-Qur’an

تفسیر فہم القرآن میں واقعہ افک سے متعلقہ واردروایات ِسیرت کا تحقیقی جائزہ اور عصری معنویت


  • Shah Parviz PHD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan
  • Dr.Zar Gul SST (G) GHS Khatki shrif Distt: Mohmand
  • Sarzamin khan PHD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan


Afiq, Tafsir, Fahm, Al –Qur’an, Contemporary, Meaning


The literal meaning of Afiq is to make something against the truth. Accordingly, its meaning is lie and slander. If this accusation is mentioned in a context, then its meaning becomes slander, the worst kind of lie that replaces truth with falsehood and falsehood with truth. It is called Afiq, which cleanses the wicked and makes the wicked pure. The incident of Afiq is also a bright example. Verses were revealed in the Holy Qur'an about the truthfulness and integrity of Hazrat Ayesha. Her glory did not decrease, but her status increased and remained good until the Day of Judgment.

Mian Muhammad Jameel was born in 1947 in Kasur Gohchak district of Punjab. He belongs to the Arain family. This village has an excellent position in terms of knowledge and religion. Famous scholars and religious personalities were born here who tried to guide the nation religiously.

Sahib Tafsir while introducing his Tafsir writes that: "The name Tafsir is taken from the verse of Surah Al-Anbiyyah, فَفَهَّمْنَاهَا سُلَيْمَان. Translation: “So we gave the understanding of this decision to Sulaiman."




How to Cite

Shah Parviz, Dr.Zar Gul, and Sarzamin khan. 2022. “A Research Review and Contemporary Significance of the Biographies Related to Afiq in Tafsir Fahm Al-Qur’an: تفسیر فہم القرآن میں واقعہ افک سے متعلقہ واردروایات ِسیرت کا تحقیقی جائزہ اور عصری معنویت”. AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 2 (3):72-85. https://www.aleeqaz.org/index.php/aleeqaz/article/view/56.