Confronting society with the challenge of extremism and its treatment according to Sheikh Al-Taher bin Ashour through his interpretation of "Al-Tahrir Wa-Al-Tanwir"

مواجهة المجتمع بتحدي الغلو وعلاجه عند الشيخ الطاهر بن عاشور من خلال تفسيره "التحرير والتنوير"


  • Mr. Abdul Wahid PHD Scholar (International Islamic University, Islamabad) & Lecturer, Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages, (NUML) Rawalpindi
  • Dr. Adnan Shahzad Lecturer, Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages, (NUML) Rawalpindi
  • Dr. Farhad Ullah Associate Professor, Islamic Study Depptt, HITEC University, Texala


Challenge, Confronting, exaggeration, Society, Causes, Ibn-e-Ashoor


Since the beginning of human history, society has faced many challenges, and the war between the people of falsehood and the people of truth has continued all the time, and its forms kept changing. This battle was fought many times by military personnel and sustained heavy losses.  For this reason, the people of falsehood changed this method and instead of military war, they moved to the intellectual and moral field, and they tried to introduce absurdity and extremism in the society, as a result of which religious extremism intensified in the society, which is a big challenge for the Muslim society. This research explains the society's confrontation with the challenge of religious extremism and will try to offer its remedy through the interpretation of Shaykh al-Tahir bin Ashoor's commentary on "Al-Tahrir Wa Al-Tanwir". The research consists of an introduction, two chapters and conclusion.




How to Cite

Mr. Abdul Wahid, Dr. Adnan Shahzad, and Dr. Farhad Ullah. 2022. “Confronting Society With the Challenge of Extremism and Its Treatment According to Sheikh Al-Taher Bin Ashour through His Interpretation of "Al-Tahrir Wa-Al-Tanwir": مواجهة المجتمع بتحدي الغلو وعلاجه عند الشيخ الطاهر بن عاشور من خلال تفسيره ‘التحرير والتنوير’”. AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 2 (3):01-14.