The concept of Waqf in three religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam)

ادیان ثلاثہ(یہودیت، عیسائیت اور اسلام ) میں وقف کا تصور


  • Mr. Muneer Khan Research Scholar PhD, Islamic Study Depptt, University of Peshwar, Peshwar
  • Dr. Farhad Ullah Associate Professor, Islamic Study Depptt, HITEC University, Taxila


Waqf. Charity. Donation. Semitic. Religions


Waqf (Endowment) is a financial asset donation made to a non-profit group or institution in the form of investment funds or other property that has a stated purpose. The concept of Endowment and its applications is found in three Semitic religions i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It means that all the three religions have given special attention to the benefits of poor and homeless people and hence have motivated their followers to specify and allocate a portion of their money, land and assets for the poor persons, their consolation for the remedy of their social hurts and for the deletion of poverty from society. In this very short article the concept and application of endowment has been highlighted with reference to The Holy Bible, The Holy Quran and Islamic law.

The article shows that all the three references are in consonant regarding the subject matter. 




How to Cite

Mr. Muneer Khan, and Dr. Farhad Ullah. 2022. “The Concept of Waqf in Three Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam): ادیان ثلاثہ(یہودیت، عیسائیت اور اسلام ) میں وقف کا تصور”. AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 2 (2):35-46.