Contribution and life of Abu Hayyan al-Andalusi in Arabic Poetry

مساهمة وحياة أبي حيان الأندلسي في الشعر العربي



Life,, contribution,, Abu Hayyan,, poetry, , Andalus


Abu Hayyan was known for the multiplicity of his sciences and
knowledge of jurisprudence, grammar, interpretation and rhetoric, as well
as being a poet's personality.
As Abu Hayyan is a gentle poet who made his poetic through a number of
features and elements, perhaps the most important of which is selfbuilding through his travels, as well as his personal circumstances, which
were represented by his loss of his wife and children, the bitterness of
alienation and his loss of sight at the end of his life.
This progress and prosperity was the emergence of a number of literary
poles, especially in the late seventh and early eighth centuries, including
Minister Ibn al-Hakim (708 AH) and his son Abu Bakr Muhammad, and
Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad Khamis al-Talmisani (708 AH). and Abu
Hayyan al-Andalusi (745 AH), Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Jayab (749 AH),
and Abu Abdullah ibn Jaber al-Andalusi, the blind.

Author Biography

Dr. Kausar Arshad, Arabic Department, NUML, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Arabic Department, NUML, Islamabad




How to Cite

Dr. Kausar Arshad. 2021. “Contribution and Life of Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi in Arabic Poetry: مساهمة وحياة أبي حيان الأندلسي في الشعر العربي”. AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 1 (2):10-32.